Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Conclusions Drawn from Survey

To gain audience information I designed a film openings survey to be prepared for when making a film opening myself. The findings from that survey are below.

Survey Findings:

When the participants were asked their age, the options for answering were in very varied groups. Some very young, all the way to 60 years and above. As you can see from the chart shown, 45.45% of participants (the largest group) were aged between 16-25 years. Possibly because, similar to my age, it is the most common age group to watch films in their free time in comparison to other ages.

Later on in the survey, the participants were asked about favourite genre of film. This results was by far Comedy at 36.34% choosing that option. This is probably due to the youth of the age that answered. Although barley a difference, there were also more females who answered the survey than males. This could possible transfer to the comedy genre in that males (stereotypically) may prefer a more serious or scarier genre, for example horror or action. From the results so far, we can see that young teenagers to mid 20 year olds, probably most prefer comedy movies and therefore in making a horror film opening, we may be looking at an older demographic.

When asked which part of the film (Trailer, Opening, Mid-way or Ending) the participants watched in order to become interested in the film, the most popular answer was trailer at 72.73%. Therefore the film opening we produce should be so eye catching and current that people remember it and make them want to watch the rest of the film. Because of the age group we will also need to make it current and appeal to that specific age group.

Question 5, where participants were asked "Do you pay attention to credits/titles", came back with a very mixed result. The highest result was an answer of 'never', at 36.36%, closely followed by 'rarely' at 27.27%. This means that in order for the demographic of the film to notice and pick up on the titles and credits, we will have to make the text appear in a creative way or format that gets them interested.

In the final question, I found out that the most common reason for watching the opening scenes of the film was to be able to become interested in watching the rest of the film. This means it is crucial for those first shots and scenes to be interesting and appeal to the age group and gender.

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